
We collect vitamin through Enviroment

We collect vitamin through Enviroment
Whether we take a short stroll or choose to walk for too long, or even run, being out in nature benefits both our body and our mind and soul.

Every time we go out in the nature to walk, we give our body the luxury of ecotherapy and fill our stores with "Vitamin F". But before we are surprised at these words, which we are probably hearing for the first time, let us know that this is not a sophisticated treatment in a luxury spa but the terms used by specialists to describe the benefits we get when we are close to nature. .
Ecotherapy is the translation of the word ecotherapy and the famous "Vitamin F" is obviously not a vitamin but it symbolizes the nature and what we can gain from contact with it. Just like taking a multivitamin!

In the hospitable environment of a forest

"Human species has been on planet Earth for nearly 5 million years, and urbanization, a consequence of the industrial revolution, has only taken place in the last 200-300 years. Which means that the human species has spent 99.9% of its existence in contact with nature. Our bodies, minds, souls and genes are all in contact with nature, but we force ourselves to live in an artificial environment where we are constantly exposed to stress, resulting in a state of constant stress, with all the known effects of stress and stress on our physical, mental and mental health, ”explains Japanese professor Yoshifumi Miyazaki, who has been writing books and giving lectures and lectures on the idea of“ forest bathing ”for more than 30 years. », 

A walk in the woods throws the pressure

Building on his inspiration for Japan, a land of rich nature, Professor Yoshifumi Miyazaki did a lot of research exposing people to trees, flowers, plants, forest. His research showed that even after a single day of contact with nature, blood pressure drops and this effect lasts for at least five days after a person returns to the city. Scientists have also observed better immune function, which lasts for at least a week after contact with nature ceases. 

The teacher and his team asked the research participants to walk for 15 minutes in the woods. They then measured the concentration of cortisol - also known as stress hormone - in their body and observed a decrease in the order of 12, 7% of the indication they had recorded before the walk began in the forest. Also, the activity of the tranquilizer-related nervous system had increased by 103% after contact with the forest. It is becoming apparent, Japanese scientists point out, that ecotherapy or trying to get as much "vitamin F" as we can, our contact with nature in a nutshell, can in some ways be considered a cure for the effects of the stress we are forced to to endure. 

It is certainly the best way of preventing all the problems that the modern way of life, with the constant stress it puts on us, is causing us. had increased by 103% after contact with the forest. It is becoming apparent, Japanese scientists point out, that ecotherapy or trying to get as much "vitamin F" as we can, our contact with nature in a nutshell, can in some ways be considered a cure for the effects of the stress we are forced to to endure. It is certainly the best way of preventing all the problems that the modern way of life, with the constant stress it puts on us, is causing us. had increased by 103% after contact with the forest. It is becoming apparent, Japanese scientists point out, that ecotherapy or trying to get as much "vitamin F" as we can, our contact with nature in a nutshell, can in some ways be considered a cure for the effects of the stress we are forced to to endure. It is certainly the best way of preventing all the problems that the modern way of life, with the constant stress it puts on us, is causing us. 

The more beautiful the nature the greater the profit

As we may suspect, it is not just the trees and forests that have this beneficial effect on us, it is also the meadows, hills and of course the beach and the sea, as they have also shown and related research by the Mind Foundation, the UK's largest mental health organization, the British Cardiology Society and the British National Health System (NHS). In addition, researchers from the University of California say that the more we are impressed by the image - the view of nature we have in front of us - the more benefits we will ultimately gain. Simply put: The awe that overwhelms us when we see a spectacular natural image is good for our health.

Walking in nature equals meditation

Walking in nature we focus on what we see, hear, smell, feel. Our minds are empty and the result is similar to what we experience after meditation. By contrast, all artificial environments increase stimuli by keeping our brains alert, according to a study by the University of Exeter. But apart from a clear mind, after a walk in nature we feel happier and our sleep quality improves significantly. In Japanese studies, participants focused on admiring, observing, and assimilating the colors of the leaves and flowers each by drinking tea alone. We don't have to do what they do. Contact with nature alone, while moving away from stress and constant contact with the outside world, is enough.

Now and treat with flowers!

Japanese professor Yoshifumi Miyazaki and his team have also been doing research on whether exposure to flowers can reduce stress. Researchers gave flowers to high school students, office workers and people working in the health field and recorded that the activity of the tranquilizer-related nervous system had increased by 29%, while the activity of the sympathetic nervous system had increased. with stress, it had fallen by 25% after contact with these flowers. 

"Vitamin F" and as a psychotherapy

But contact with nature, in addition to having a positive effect on our bodies and minds, can also help our souls - reducing stress and all its negative effects on our psyche - so scientists talk for eco-psychotherapy. Indeed, several universities devote time and resources to this area and research. The results of scientific research prove that theories as well as the research of experts are grounded. 

A study in Great Britain and following the course of patients suffering from depression showed that eight out of ten made a significant improvement after a walk in the countryside, while nine of them had increased self-esteem. Experts now believe that as an alternative to medication or as an additional "cure" they could prescribe to people suffering from psychological problems a walk in the woods, bathing in the sea, walking on a nice beach, walking in the mountains, 20 minutes of gardening daily. … Indeed, there are centers of ecotherapy and ecopsychology in various advanced countries. 

In our country we probably won't find something so special, but we are fortunate enough to have a good enough nature to be able to walk, swim, run, play and finally relax, slow down and relieve stress it poisons our body, mind and psychology. stroll on a beautiful beach, walk the mountain, 20 minutes of gardening daily ... Indeed, in many advanced countries there are centers of ecotherapy and eco-psychology. 

In our country we probably won't find something so special, but we are fortunate enough to have a good enough nature to be able to walk, swim, run, play and finally relax, slow down and relieve stress it poisons our body, mind and psychology. stroll on a beautiful beach, walk the mountain, 20 minutes of gardening daily ... Indeed, in many advanced countries there are centers of ecotherapy and eco-psychology. In our country we probably won't find something so special, but we are fortunate enough to have a good enough nature to be able to walk, swim, run, play and finally relax, slow down and relieve stress it poisons our body, mind and psychology.


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